To lead our children, our youth, and their families closer to the love and knowledge of God and His Wondrous gifts, and create in them a desire to be lifelong followers of Christ.

Youth Ministries
President: Mr. Kyle Kassel

The Junior Legion of Mary teaches children the truths of our Catholic Faith, and encourages them to develop a personal relationship with God. The children are taught to spiritualize everything around them and above all to see and serve Christ in everyone they meet.
Boys and girls in grades 4th - 12th are most welcome to attend. We meet Wednesday evenings from 5:00 - 6:00 PM in Padre Pio Room 121 of the school building.

To create an environment and opportunities that lead teenagers deeper into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and his Church. Work together to do acts of service in the community. Take an occasional field trip to neat places. Volunteer at OLSH to help our cause and others!
Teens in grades 7th - 12th are most welcome to attend. We meet once a month from 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the school building cafeteria.