Parish Giving is simple, secure, convenient. Provides our parishioners an opportunity to use EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)/credit card option as an alternative method of giving.
Key Features:
Ability to make one-time or recurring contributions
Ability to make recurring contributions
Ability to contribute to multiple collections with one monthly deduction
Parish weekly plate,
Holy days and monthly collections (e.g. debt, improvements, flowers)
and Archdiocesan collections (e.g. Seminary, Missions, CRS, etc.)
Ability to select your billing date
Ability to use Credit Card or Bank Transfer
Ability to assure your participating parishioner target is met.
Ability to access end of year contribution reports for payments made through this system.
(When you are ready to enroll, click the icon)

Weekly Envelope Offering that you receive in your monthly mailing by OSV (Our Sunday Visitor). You may use your offering envelope at the Mass you like to attend. Or if you are not able to attend Mass, you may mail or give in person to the Parish Office.

Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia (CFGP) that we have partnered to established OLSH Parish Sustainability Fund, which will be used to support the property, infrastructure, and equipment expenditures of the Parish. All contributions are tax deductible, and all contributions remain with the Parish.

Contributions can be made monthly, weekly, or recurring:
Using your Blue Envelope (NO Cash accepted)
Online to our Fund Page at CFGP by clicking the icon